Nuestro programa de alcance y educación
La danza fomenta un mayor sentido de conciencia corporal, preocupación por la alineación correcta del cuerpo y una conciencia del espacio personal y general. Nos hace conscientes de la auto-presentación, y del ser en relación consigo mismo, con los demás, y con el espacio que nos rodea.
Carolyn Dorfman
Master Teaching Artist and Artistic Director of Carolyn Dorfman Dance
“We move, we speak. From the beginning of time individuals and communities have defined themselves and their worlds through movement and Dance. From the stage to the street, we observe and come to understand others. In doing and creating, we come to understand and shape ourselves. ...Dance and the ensemble become a powerful visual metaphor for life and community.”
Nuestra filosofía
Creemos que los bailarines se entrenan de 3 maneras.
La mente: el Artista pensante, respirante y creativo que llevamos dentro.
El cuerpo: nuestro instrumento, dentro y fuera del escenario.
Como comunidad: existiendo en relación y en armonía unos con otros.
Our Purpose and Goals
To broaden the students’ knowledge and appreciation of Dance through developmentally and age appropriate standards based dance education
To develop physical skills
To develop cognitive and perceptual skills
To foster growth in emotional skills
To provide equitable access to the art of Dance to students in historically underserved populations
To use the art of Dance and culture to strengthen Community Unity
To demonstrate the positive economic impact of Dance and culture, and it’s place in today’s entrepreneurial world
To cultivate, support, and train a team of professional teaching artists; resulting in a Dance Community Mentoring Program